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Classical Homeopathy

What is the most challenging symptom you are facing right now? If you knew it could be resolved, how would that change your life?
Have you been trying to address multiple health issues separately? Have you sought help from different practitioners for different symptoms?
In Classical Homeopathy, I take the entire picture of your health. I see how all the pieces of your health history including your inheritance. 
I want you to understand there are underlying conditions that cause the many different symptoms you are suffering from.
You may have gotten relief from symptoms with other treatments. But until you look at what is beneath them, symptoms will continue to rise up again.
The brilliance of homeopathy is that it addresses the causations of your imbalance and offers deep and lasting change.

Homeopathic Constitutional Intake Sebastopol

Founder of Homeopathy

200 years ago, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathic medicine, discovered a way to remove the root cause of illness. Using extremely diluted amounts of natural substances, he created a style of remedies that have no side effects, yet are powerful catalysts to achieve the vital balance necessary for health.
The treasure of homeopathy is that it treats each individual uniquely. If 5 people have the same disease, homeopathy will not prescribe the remedy for all 5 people based on their common disease. Rather, homeopathy looks at the details of what a person is actually experiencing in suffering.
This is the language of symptoms. This is how your wise body speaks. The expression of your unique problem is your body's call for the correct remedy.  Every individual experiences their suffering in a very unique way which deserves to be acknowledged and addressed in its entirety. A good homeopath will include all of your symptoms in order to find the remedy that will help you.

Homeopaths Near Me Sebastopol

Homeopathic Case Studies

Below are Homeopathic case studies from my practice. They show how diverse and dynamic the depth of healing can go.

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